Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
Christian based service movement warning about threats to rights and freedom irrespective of the label, Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing"
Edmund Burke

Science of the Social Credit Measured in Terms of Human Satisfaction
"Big business is by no means antipathetic to Communism. The larger big business grows the more it approximates to Collectivism. it is the upper road of the few instead of the lower road of the masses to Collectivism" -
Leading Fabian Socialist H.G. Wells, article in London's Sunday Express, 1920
(quoted by Eric Butler in The Fabian Socialist Contribution to the Communist Advance)

Vol. 23 No. 1 January-February 2001


Globalisation and Genetic Engineering

On February 2nd an Auckland public meeting was addressed by two scientists, leaders in the field of genetics, a top British Pathologist and Mr Edward Goldsmith, founding editor of The Ecologist magazine and one of the world's most outstanding and best informed critics of globalisation. Similar meetings were held in some other areas.

One of the scientists was Dr. Arpad Pusztai, Hungarian by birth, and the man sacked from the Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, Scotland a couple of years ago for revealing the out of ordinary gut reactions within rats and the effect on their vital organs after they were fed on genetically engineered potatoes.

The other scientist, Dr. Susan Bardocz had worked as a colleague of Dr. Pusztai. She was formerly Principal Scientific Officer and Head of Research of the Food-Gut-Bacterial Interaction Group at the Rowett Research Institute. Within the scientific world both were regarded as leaders.

After his revelations Dr. Pusztai believed he would simply carry on further research in an attempt to better understand the secrets of nature. This had been his lifelong endeavour. But suddenly his world was turned completely upside down. On top of his dismissal, after 35 years of working for the Rowett Institute, he was publicly criticised by people he believed were friends and long-term and close colleagues. There was an attempt to imply he had acted improperly, unprofessionally, and haphazardly jumped to false conclusions.
For a man held in the highest regard within his profession for decades, and who had published many more highly respected scientific papers than most others, all this was obviously a shock, to say the least.

Dr. Pusztai explained what he felt was at least part of the cause of this situation. During most of his earlier career scientific research had been financed out of governmental budgets. Researchers could take their time coming to conclusions and there was little political influence. Under Mrs Thatcher's Government this was changed. Now private companies began to take over this financing.
The research, understandably became more commercially orientated - the development of saleable products. And finally, as Dr. Pusztai discovered in the most horrible way, the discovery of truth was not of interest to these sponsors.

Since Western governments, led by the United States, have decided to allow the patenting of genetically modified seeds, monopoly seed and agricultural conglomerates are only interested in products they can own and market. Having recovered a little from his shock Dr. Pusztai was in New Zealand with his associates to present their expert opinions and research findings to the New Zealand Government's Royal Commission on Genetic Engineering.

At question time, and with a smile, he told the well attended meeting he was discovering there was life after death. Drs. Pusztai and Bardocz were accompanied by Dr. Stanley Ewen, Chief pathologist from the Royal Aberdeen Infirmary. He is also an Expert Consultant on foods derived from biotechnology for the World Health Organisation and Food and Agriculture Organisation.
The opinions and hesitations of these outstanding scientists concerning GE cannot be dismissed lightly.

The Globalisation Factor
A short concluding address was delivered by Mr Goldsmith who made it clear that GE foods are the ideal products favoured by the handful of agri-monopolists who want global control of the world markets for fertiliser, seeds and the importing and exporting of foods. The traditional idea of local communities retaining their own traditional seeds for re-sowing is anathema. The very idea of local communities even being self-sustaining, or even partly-self sufficient in food is absolutely anathama.

The patentability of seeds allows these conglomerates to spend fortunes on promotion and to develop political alliances with governments, parties and politicians. The World Trade organisation acts in favour of the multi-nationals in almost every instance when it comes to legal disputes. Mr Goldsmith pointed out that contrary to massive propaganda food exported from the developed world to poor countries, particularly from the US, is in fact often highly subsidised. The US Government spends several billion every year on agricultural subsidies.

While this usually does little more than simply allow American farmers to carry on for another year it does result in massive food surpluses. These surpluses are sold, and sometimes donated, to distributors in countries like Ethiopia, forcing local producers and even subsistence farmers out of business. Multi-national corporations do not want local food production. They view the world as one single economy, taking no account of differing cultures, traditions and food customs. They seek to have most, if not all food, transported over thousands of miles.

Even aside from economic factors this could lead to a catastrophe in the event of natural disasters or war in any part of the world. An invaluable point made by Mr Goldsmith, and one commonly overlooked by most of us, is that large acreages are often not needed to produce large quantities of quality food.

During WWII half of Britain's food came from home gardens and allotments amounting to about 300,000 hectares. That is about 750,000 acres. To get that in perspective New Zealand is roughly about 110 million acres in size. Britain's total population at the time was around 40 something million.

During the First World War Britain would have starved were it not for the urgent promotion of the home garden and allotment policy. Allotments were spare areas of land around and in towns and cities made available to applicants to grow vegetables and users had the same rights as private property owners.

In the decades leading up to WWI Britain had followed a "free trade" policy which had decimated its home farmers. She became reliant on food imports, primarily from Australia, New Zealand and Argentina.
It was a perfectly natural policy for the Germans to use their submarines to try and cut off this supply of imports.

In warning against GE Mr Goldsmith mentioned a long list of technologies that "Science" was once in support of but which later proved dangerous. DDT, atomic power, etc. GE is part of the process of destroying the local agriculture and industries of countries which retain a measure of independence. All this is on top of potential natural disasters which GE could produce.

The meeting was chaired by Mrs Jeanette Fitzsimons, MP, and co-leader of the Green Party. As an almost humorous aside idealistic youngsters outside handed out leaflets promoting a group called the Socialist Workers Organisation which condemned global capitalism and GE. At least they are opposing GE but have not yet realised, as a number of leading Socialists themselves have pointed out, that the closer monopoly capitalism comes to its goal the more it approximates to the ideals of Socialism. Socialism means centralised power and the planned state, and ultimately a centrally planned world. Exactly what the Western global monopolists are giving us.

As for environmental damage and pollution caused by such central planning, the classic example is the Soviet Union. Amongst its failed experiments was large scale mono-culture and an attempt to produce all of one type of food, such as wheat, in one area, beef in another, etc. The destruction to communities and the soil has been devastating. It is heartening that many of those who formed the "cannon fodder" of the old communist front movements have realised that such centralised planning, irrespective of the label it operates under is destructive of people and the environment.

They are to be congratulated for their magnanimous efforts in stopping the signing by governments of the Multilateral Agreement on Investment and for their protests in Seattle against the IMF and World Bank. Hopefully it will only be a matter of time before they realise that organised international Socialism was always a temporary front for the objectives of International Finance, and that the credit creation monopoly of the international banks is the ultimate cause of the threat facing civilisation and mankind.

An interesting closing comment by Dr. Pusztai was to humorously quote another scientist, while apologising for the language, that "we know s_ _t all about biology". Despite all the decades of so called "scientific wonders" and discoveries are we now discovering that the mysteries of nature are so deep we have barely even scratched the surface? A number (albeit small) of deeper thinkers have long warned that the development of technology without also a deepening inner awareness will always lead to one disaster or another. Dare we say it but this implies a religious attitude.

Real science must seek to learn about truths, and then scientific discoveries will be helpful to real individual human beings, not manipulated mobs who have been reduced to "official statistics".

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The brutal dictator Mugabe held on to power in Zimbabwe in the general elections last June. His party held on to 62 seats but the new opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) gained 57 seats. Without the intimidation of Mugabe's terrorist bullies his party would certainly have lost power.

The European Union and the Commonwealth declared that the election was neither free nor fair, yet they are doing nothing about it. The UN observers flew home and we are left with silence from that hypocritical quarter. A few years ago the European and United States governments, along with our own mob at the time, did everything possible to force the whites from power and install Mugabe, then a well-known leader of a Communist terrorist group.

The first black government in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe was led by Bishop Mozorewa, a moderate who was certainly not anti-white. But the pack wolves of the western press and western governments howled that he was just a white lackey, and new elections were held supervised by the treacherous British Lord Carrington.
Perhaps the global banking and trading corporations thought Mozorewa would be difficult to deal with!

Carrington and his fellow globalists have been completely silent over the years of barbarities committed by Mugabe. Contrary to decades of lies by the western controlled press relations between most whites and blacks in Africa were normally good.
In the June elections four whites were elected in predominantly black electorates. But they face a terrible time and their lives are consistently at risk. One is a farmer who has had to flee his property.
Apparently some foreign aid to Mugabe has been cut off but he still has the profits of ivory being shipped to Beijing via Libya and his involvement in the export of Congo diamonds. Zimbabwean troops help to keep the Congo safe for the diamond export trade.
The silence from the old anti-apartheid movements is deafening. No need to ask what the Langes, Moores and Prebbles, who campaigned for Magube's installation, are saying about his brutality to his fellow black Africans. They are too busy trying to get their sticky fingers into one or other of the globalist troughs.

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South African Realities

The same types are completely silent on present conditions throughout South Africa. The western press, so constantly noisy about the old regime in South Africa prefers to say nothing now about the place. Perhaps if they were to say anything it would embarass them, but most likely not. We even wonder if there are now any foreign journalists in that sad country.

It is virtually impossible to obtain reports from South Africa other than occasional first hand reports from South African immigrants or personal corresondence. The crime rate is clearly out of control, particularly in Johannesberg. Travel agencies in New Zealand often warn against visiting the country. Most hospitals are overflowing with Aids patients. It is not uncommon for some whites, mostly males, to beg on the streets. Those able to leave have mostly already done so.

The large industries, particularly those associated with finance and the gold and diamond mining, carry on with the patronage of the government, or is it the other way around? While Aids is rife those who have had a long experience of living among the native Africans report that the promiscuity and family breakdown now so common was completely unknown before exposure to the more decadent features of a collapsing western civilisation. Unnatural sexual practises were traditionally condemned within traditional tribal structures, the villain, when it did happen, often facing a quick death sentence.

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Bush Vs Gore?

Almost without exception the major political parties in all Western countries support the same policies of debt finance and globalisation. Their differences usually amount to little more than using different words to describe the same thing. The last US election and its aftermath was no different.

An astounding US$300 million was spent by the two candidates. Bush is presented by the big press as the conservative, and Gore as the ideal liberal who wants to do good to everyone - except "extremists" who point out that gun controls don't reduce crime they just reduce freedom.

But Bush is a Globalist, like his dad, and like the latter he will use American soldiers, sailors, and pilots to maintain the trade routes and monopolies of the global Corporations. Almost unreported outside of a few of the smaller American newspapers was one feature of American elections which does provide a degree of representative government at some local and state levels.

Americans in a variety of counties and states got to vote on over 200 plebiscites (referenda). Some of these had been initiated by citizens petitioning their state governments and others initiated by the governments themselves. Issues voted on ranged from whether or not to maintain an old (and not enforced) Alabama law against mixed marriages to expenditure on schooling and health and taxes.

Clinton left office still claiming he had "built a strong economy". Anyone visiting the country can easily see that as soon as one gets away from the downtown areas with their high-rises and hotels, there is little sense of the "boom" the propagandists keep referring to.
The propaganda is reminiscent of a claim back in the early 1980s that, according to the statistics, the Brazilian economy was recovering, only it hadn't yet reached the people.

The famous writer George Orwell, who had earlier been an admirer of Socialism before appreciating the realities of it, would no doubt have something to say about today's economic propaganda were he still alive. In his famous book, Animal Farm, he has the pigs, the leaders, constantly using statistics to explain to the rest of the animals how much better off they now are. The world lives on bank credit - it doesn't presently have any other choice - but Americans are probably more culturally entrapped in this than others. Their industries would come to a sudden halt if this was seriously restricted.

The average figures for credit card indebtedness are staggering. One private report suggests that upwards of 25% of white males over the age of 40 are unemployed. Official statistics suggest that less than 2 million people are now engaged in farming. But many farmers claim this is probably exaggerated and the real figure may be well under one million.

Despite subsidies those surviving on the land can seldom plan their affairs for more than one year ahead. There are homeless in most large cities, while empty houses in the countryside collapse for want of repairs. An estimated 20 million Americans live in trailer homes, many of which are admittedly roomy and comfortable, but their owners or tenants have given up on the hope of owning a piece of dirt. This is the state of the "world's richest country".

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The Sovereignty Plan

The Sovereignty Plan has been floating around for a number of years. First proposed by the late Canadian economist Mr John Hotson, it advocates that central banks, in our case the Reserve Bank, be used by governments to make available low-interest or nil-interest loans to local councils. Tens of millions of dollars are paid in interest every year by local councils, most of it going to overseas owned banks.

One of the member parties of The Alliance Party, the Democrats advocates its adoption. But while The Alliance is in coalition with the Labour Government there has so far been no official support given to the idea. In reality it has little support outside of the Democrats. Probably the best work is being done by a number of ordinary Democrat members who have been presenting their case to local councils. They have gained favourable support from several councils. Some councils are including the idea in their requests to central government for the dropping of the GST from rates.

One of the problems of the modern highly-centralised and overgrown "local" council is that in many respects they are not much more than branches of central government. Much of what they do is laid down by directives from central government. Central government determines how much of their budget can go on debt servicing and how much on capital works, etc.

While adoption of The Sovereignty Plan and the dropping of GST from rates would be helpful it must be borne in mind that they are far from a complete answer to what is fast becoming an impossible debt burden by councils and local communities. The idea was adopted by the Democrats after their partial retreat from the Social Credit proposals of C.H. Douglas, somewhat understandable after years of malicious misrepresentation from the press and other political parties, including then Labour Party President Jim Anderton, who is now Alliance leader.

It is to be hoped that more councils will be persuaded by the Sovereignty proposal but that this will become only a stepping stone to a proper challenge to the policy of allowing the private monopoly bankers to claim absolute ownership of the nation's credit.

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"Every year the financial system kills more people than the Second World War"
Ken Livingston, newly elected Lord Mayor of London (Reuters, 6-5-00. Quoted in NZ Guardian Bulletin, Oct. 2000)

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The Minister of Health Annette King has been urging councils that don't put fluoride in their water supplies to now add it. Timaru Mayor Wynne Raymond had to point out to her that a referendum and a number of follow-up polls showed the residents didn't want it.
Wanganui Mayor Chas Poynter's response was reported in the River City Press (27-7-00): "I reject the suggestion our supply is putting the health and wellbeing of people at risk. The prime consideration was to give consumers a choice. If we put fluoride in the water we remove consumers' right to choose. Water is our most precious resource and we have resisted any moves to privatise it or fill it with fluoride, a very dangerous chemical for staff to handle."

Mrs King is a former dental nurse. Perhaps this explains her support for compulsory mass medication. Dental schools were used to persuade several generations of dentists to support fluoridation, in spite of the loss of freedom to consumers and not withstanding a considerable amount of evidence that fluoride (Hydrofluosilicic Acid) is not only unhelpful but could be a dangerous poison. In its concentrated form it is classed in New Zealand as a dangerous goods and corrosive for transportation. Last year a Dr. Al Murieb of the Auckland School of Medicine was awarded a degree of master of Public Health for a study linking an increase in hip fractures with fluoride.

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"The minister claimed that fluoride was a natural element that is already present in new Zealand waters. She has not done her homework. Hydrofluosilic acid and sodium silicofluoride, the two main fluorine compounds used for water fluoridation, definitely do not exist in nature. They are radioactive waster by-products, contaminated with lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury from the fertiliser industry." - The Guardian Bulletin, October 2000

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Mass Medication Raises its Ugly Head Again

The Government has announced it will offer subsidies to small communities to enable them to fluoridate their water supplies. Significantly Britain's Blair government is doing exactly the same thing at present. Where are all the advocates of so-called "free trade"? Don't they usually leap to the stage to condemn even a hint of government subsidies for virtually anything else, abortions excepted? However this is not a new action by the bullies in the Capital.

Since the earliest days of fluoridation central government has provided subsidies or grants to councils to help them upgrade water services, provided fluoridation is added. Fluoridation is mass medication. Politicians and civil servants are ill-equipped to decide what people should or should not eat and drink. Even if fluoridation could be proven to be beneficial, and it cannot, authorities would still have no right or mandate to impose it on an entire population.

If the argument in favour of compulsory mass medication were correct then a much better case could be made for enforcing everyone to eat an apple every day. Certainly the case for subsidising apples is stronger than for subsidising fluoridation, which even its proponents agree is highly dangerous in cases of an overdose.
The transportation of fluoridation is treated with the utmost caution; not so for a truck load of apples.

We are indebted to Mr E. Alber of Northland for supplying the following quote made by Dr Hardy Limeback, B.Sc., PhD in Biochemistry, D.D.s., and head of the Department of preventive Dentistry for the University of Toronto and President of the Canadian Association for Dental Research:
"I have unintentionally misled my colleagues and my students. For the past 15 years, I had refused to study the toxicology information that is readily available to anyone. Poisoning children was the furthest thing from my mind. Your well intentioned dentist is simply following 50 years of misinformation from public health and the dental association. Me too. Unfortunately we were wrong. In Canada we are now spending more money treating dental fluorosis (the damage caused by fluoride) than we do treating cavities. Children under three should never use fluoridated toothpaste, or drink fluoridated water, and baby formula must never be made up using fluoridated water. Never!"

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Our Untaught or Forgotten History

"I first met him [Colin Barkley Smith] in Auckland when he accompanied the late Major C.H.Douglas on his tour of New Zealand in 1934. When C.B.S. asked me why I was so opposed to the Douglas theory, I said I was one of the many who looked upon Social Credit as a 'funny money' system of finance.
He gently informed me that he was inclined to the opinion that I had not observed the old proverb audi alterem partum (hear the other side) before I decided to dub the words 'funny money' to Major Douglas' proposals, and he offered to send to me at the Legislative Council, Wellington (of which I was then a Member) three books by Douglas if I promised to read them through with an open mind, and that I would then observe that the term 'funny money' would more fittingly describe our present debt enslavement monetary system.
I promised, and he subsequently sent the books, with a personal letter, from Sydney. As a result, I decided to support the Douglas Credit philosophy and policy, and I have never regretted making this decision. My conversion from the present dishonest monetary system was solely due to C. Barkley Smith."

The above quote is taken from the foreword to a booklet called Important Views for the Times of Vital Importance to Our New Zealand People and their Future Welfare. It was published in Tauranga in August, 1957 by Carey J. Carrington, J.P., who had also served as a member of New Zealand's Legislative Council from 1926-1940. It was published by Mr Carrington as a tribute to the then recent death of a noted Australian Social Creditor and author, Mr Colin Barkley Smith.

New Zealand's Legislative Council (our former Upper House) was abolished by the Sid Holland led National Government in 1950, with a promise it would be replaced with a more effective body.

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Immigration: The Quiet Invasion

The New Zealand Clark Government has just announced its "well thought-out" plan to save New Zealand. Firstly, an earlier government, of which Helen Clark was a member introduced a system of bank loans, supposedly guaranteed by the State so the banks wouldn't have to take any risks, so university students could do their studies. The loans are so easy to obtain that thousands of students have ended up with tens of thousands of debt, all of it accumulating interest. This was the bright scheme for replacing the supposedly former system of free university studies.

With very few jobs for university graduates and the low value of the NZ dollar students with large loans have naturally gone in large numbers to Britain and the US in attempts to meet repayments. New Zealanders under the age of 28 can apply to work for up to a year in the UK as part of a working holiday. Since it is obvious many are going to get the high value British pounds to send back to the New Zealand bankers the British authorities have announced a tightening up of the scheme. Presumably the New Zealand and British governments will be swapping personal information about future applications for the UK job seekers.

Typical of the barking lap dogs of the mass media much noise has been made of the skills New Zealand is losing; no mention of the loss of people who help to make up the mainstream traditional culture of the nation. Combined with the former students leaving has been the huge exodus of older people, mostly of families, to Australia, with the hope that things will be marginally better for them. This has finally resulted in the Australian Government making it harder for New Zealanders to receive Australian welfare payments.

The Clark Government simply sees this as a method of discouraging such migration. No attempt is made to improve conditions and opportunities here, which could easily be done. And their ultimate answer to it all, the very best solution our intelligent Labour Party Cabinet can come up with? They are going to lower the English language skills required by potential migrants, presumably from Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

European New Zealanders are free to leave, if they can afford to and can find somewhere to go to. Helen Clark is a former University lecturer. Little wonder then the deplorable lack of commonsense that emanates from the Campuses. The late, and great, Malcolm Muggeridge is said to have suggested that the press and universities should be closed for five years to give people an opportunity to get some common sense back. A delightful thought. Perhaps out of the new environment this would create, traitors would be treated as traitors ought to be treated.

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Facts About Money

"The whole purpose of Industry is to serve the Individual:
Until this end is reached, Industry has not completed its task. Distribution, therefore, is a vital function of Industry. Proof of this lies in the fact that, if Distribution fails, Industry stops. "Production and Distribution, therefore, are inseparable. They are each an essential part of the process of supplying human needs which we call Industry.

In the modern world, production is carried on mainly by machinery, assisted in a diminishing degree by human energy. Distribution is effected by another mechanism, which we call Money. "Actually, money is an accountancy system. It consists of figures presumed to represent the real values of production which it is designed to distribute.
Coins and bank-notes are merely a tangible form of accountancy, making it possible to transfer values in minor transactions without the necessity for book-keeping.
But over nine-tenths of all money transactions in the modern world are carried on by the use of book entries only.

A Machine is not a creation of Natural Law. It is a man made device which depends for its efficiency on its harmony with Natural Law. "Without Natural Law, the stable and unchangeable system of rules which governs this material Universe, there could be no machinery and no ordered human life.

But Natural Law is above and beyond all human invention. To remain in harmony with it means Life; to contravene it, Death.

"Money, like machinery, is a human invention. It is not a product of Natural Law. It can be altered, adapted, adjusted, as we will, but always within the limits set by the Greater Law. It is a natural law that two and two added make four. But two and four by themselves are mere abstractions. Two what? Four what? "Two bricks added to two other bricks make a total of four bricks. If we take away the four bricks, the figure four loses its meaning. It is nothing but a symbol. But the symbol enables us to calculate bricks.
Money is a symbol. It may be used to represent bricks and all other things used in living. If the things did not exist, the symbol would mean nothing. Since things do exist, the symbol is necessary to enable us to keep account of them.

In true accountancy, money symbols will be created as the things they represent are created; and they will disappear as the things are used up. Money is not value. It has in itself no quality beneficial to human life. But money can do useful service in regulating the supply of things that are beneficial. Apart from its use as a symbol of real values, money is the most useless thing we know of. It is not necessary to life, as air and water are. It enters into no processes of production, as coal and iron do. It provides no energy, as steam and electricity provide. "Money is not a real thing, merely a symbol, a reflection, of reality.

While the symbol is a true reflection of the values it is intended to represent, money is a useful instrument of accountancy. If the symbol becomes disassociated from the real values which it should represent, it is worse than useless; it presents a distortion and misrepresentation of facts. It is impossible, therefore, to consider money apart from the real values of which it is the symbol.

Money is the least costly of all things made by human agency. A printing press and a bale of paper could flood the country with money in a few hours. The temptation to do this has often in the past proved irresistible. A Banking System can provide and issue money at even less cost. It is quite ordinary banking practice, and is done whenever the Banking Institutions consider it advisable. . . .

It is illogical to speak of a scarcity of money unless there is also a scarcity of goods. This is just as unreal as if a manufacturer, having produced a line of goods, were to complain that he had no figures with which to enter the record of the goods on his stock sheets.

In the modern world there is no scarcity of goods, but there is a very serious scarcity of money. This illogical position could be rectified in a week, were it not that certain false conceptions regarding money stand in the way. . .
The Conquest of Money: Principles of Creation & Cancellation by Clarence P. Seccombe, New South Wales, 1938

"By dividing the voters through the Political party System, we can get them to expend their energies in fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and so successfully accomplished." - Extract from the USA Bankers' Magazine, August, 1924
(quoted from a flyer dated September, 1936, and distributed in Victoria, Australia)

"Not one man in a thousand can be aroused to an interest in economics until he definitely suffers from the effects of an evil system." - Ezra Pound (quoted by Lionel Birch in The Waggoner on the Footplate, 1933)

"Production is now done by machines. It used to be done by men. Men used to 'earn' wages in return for what they helped to produce. These wages were spent by them on consumption goods. They do not spend wages now. Because they have no wages to spend. Because they take, many of them, no share in production. Because production is done by machines. And the wages of the machines are not distributed.
Result: Production unlimited; consumption limited. . . .

The world in general, and Englishmen in particular, are still tied to the hypothesis of the Age of Scarcity. What seems to be needed for every adult Englishman and woman is an hour a day's compulsory meditation on the idea of Plenty." -
Lionel Birch in The Waggoner on the Footplate, 1933

"The direct cause of the tragedy of the Cross was that Jesus was brave and honest enough to attack the financial magnates of His day, who under the guise of a shallow and soulless religion dared to keep from men the munificent gifts of a gracious Father." - Archbishop Averill
(quoted by the late New Zealander, Dr Eva Hill, in the May, 1955 issue of her newspaper Light Behind the Headlines.

"A phrase such as 'there is no money in the country with which to do such and such' means absolutely nothing unless we are also saying 'the goods and services required to do this thing do not exist and cannot be produced, therefore it is useless to create the money equivalent of them'. For instance it is simply childish to say that a country has no money for social betterment or for any other purpose when it has the skill, the men and materials to create that betterment. The banks or the Treasury can create the money in five minutes, and are doing it every day." -
C.H. Douglas in Control & Distribution of Production (2nd edition 1934)

Quotes from the book, Christian Economics by Brian Dunningham, published in the 1930s.
"I was taught some political economy at Oxford including certain propositions about money. What is perfectly plain is that money is not what they told me it was." - The Archbishop of York in Contemporary Review

"Peace? Is there any man here or any woman - let me say, is there any child, who does not know that the seed of war in the modern world is industrial and commercial rivalry? The war (against Germany 1914-18) was a commercial and industrial war." - US President Wilson at St Louis, September, 1919

"All industrial nations are competing for export credits. The end of that is war." -
Capt. W. Adams, in The price of Penury

"The peace of our world depends far more upon finding a solution to this problem of distribution than upon any measures of disarmament or pacts of non-aggression." -
Rev. William Britton, Sermon in St. Paul's Church, Cliftonville

"Export trade practised as it has to be practised under the system, is the highway to war". - Maurice Colbourne, in Economic